As a school we have had the opportunity over the past two years to work closely with the Alberta Assessment Consortium. We have focused our staff development on assessment. Our goal is to improve student learning.
Here are types of assessment we have focused on:
Types of Assessment
Assessments occur before,
during and after learning. Assessment is not the same as testing, although
tests may be a part of assessment.
Assessment for
learning - Before, during and after
learning, teachers and students gather information that helps determine next
steps for skill development towards the learner outcome.
Assessment as
learning - Both during and after
learning, the teacher encourages students to build knowledge of themselves as
learners. This process of being aware of and evaluating their own thinking
processes is called meta-cognition. It is a core skill for a self-directed
Assessment of learning - Assessment of
learning is the summation of all the learning evidence. It may come at the end
of the learning or at regular points during learning. Teachers ensure students
have a range of opportunities and a variety of ways to demonstrate the
knowledge, skills and attitudes that confirm progress toward the learner
outcome. Teachers balance this evidence in their assessment.
Information taken from:
With that said: Here are some examples of the student learning that I found.
In a math class students using iPads and a verity of tools to demonstrate, learning, practice and to accommodate for learning needs.
In the Physical Education classroom students self assess their current fitness levels and setting goals for improvement throughout the year.
In the Home Ec. classroom students prepare to put together material to for completion of a project.
In the Language Arts classroom, student have the opportunity to research a topic that they are interested in. The topics ranged from the "life of a gladiator" to "school uniforms" and " the effect of steroids on the body". Students were provided an outline, guide, and a rubric to follow. This allows, once more, for students to self assess the work they are going to turn in. Students in the class know and understand learning goals and Targets.
As I walked into this Science class I was excited, to see students exploring the properties of light. Students were free to explore how light bends, reflects, and is divided.
Without strict direction, the students explored and reached their own understanding of light.
The second math class I visit, students were giving a set of problems. Once completed, a new set of problems were provided to the group. Students received feedback from group members and help teach each other. This allowed for the teacher to spend individual time with students and groups.
Great instruction, teaching, and learning takes place in many schools. Cardston Junior High is a school that is learning and growing each day. Dedicated teachers are asking themselves each day these questions:
1. What will happen during the lesson to help students understand what success looks like?
2. How and when will I check in with students to find out whether or not they're "getting it"?
3 How and when will students receive feedback on their progress? Who will provide the feedback?
Thank you for spending a morning with us, at the world famous Cardston Junior High School.
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